This is a tutorial for 1 node with multiple farms

Some people may have multiple servers to run the farm. Let me teach you how to deploy them.

The first is the configuration issue:
If it is a node, then the configuration of 2h4g can be used.
The operating environment mainly requires a 1000M router. If it is too low, it may cause instability in the farm.

First, when starting the node, add the following parameters:

--rpc-port 9944
--rpc-max-connections <COUNT>
--rpc-methods unsafe
--rpc-cors all

Among them, rpc-port represents the default port. If you have a public IP, I recommend you change it. --rpc-max-connections represents the number of connections. If you have many farms, I recommend you increase it.

Here are my node startup parameters, just like this to enable external access:

.\subspace-node-windows-x86_64-skylake-gemini-3f-2023-sep-05.exe `
     --chain gemini-3f `
     --execution wasm `
     --blocks-pruning 256 `
     --state-pruning archive `
     --validator `
     --name "node" `
     --in-peers 200 `
     --out-peers 200 `
     --rpc-max-connections 2000 `
     --rpc-methods unsafe `
     --rpc-external `
     --rpc-cors all `
     --no-private-ipv4 `
     --rpc-port 9944


./subspace-node-ubuntu-x86_64-skylake-gemini-3f-2023-sep-11 \
     --chain gemini-3f \
     --execution wasm \
     --blocks-pruning 256 \
     --state-pruning archive \
     --validator \
     --name "node" \
     --in-peers 100 \
     --out-peers 100 \
     --rpc-methods unsafe \
     --rpc-external \
     --rpc-cors all \
     --no-private-ipv4 \
     --rpc-port 9944

After this, your node should be accessible from the outside, including your LAN

How to access the farm subsequently? You only need to add the following parameters
You need to replace the IP address with your own,

.\subspace-farmer-windows-x86_64-skylake-gemini-3f-2023-sep-05.exe farm --reward-address st**************** --node-rpc-url =ws:// path=P:\1,size=1.75TB

Remember to replace st****************** with your own wallet address


Make sure there is no problem with your network environment, then there will be no problem running it, and the drawing will start after about half an hour of running.

does this apply to the new release gemini-3h? cause i’ve noticed some of the arguments you metioned, rpc-external & no-private-ipv4 specifically, doesn’t exist any more

3H should use these parameters

--rpc-methods unsafe `
--rpc-listen-on `

thanks a lot, i’ll try that