I cant get rewards when I moved nvme to new PC

I cant get rewards when I moved data to new PC


-Windows 10

  • Advanced CLI


  1. This is my code now:

    $host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle = "Sub-Node"
    .\subspace-node-windows-x86_64-skylake-gemini-3f-2023-sep-21.exe `
    --base-path G:\Data-NodeID `
    --chain gemini-3f `
    --execution wasm `
    --blocks-pruning 256 `
    --state-pruning archive `
    --no-private-ipv4 `
    --validator `
    --name "neosub1"
    $host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle = "Sub-Farm"
    .\subspace-farmer-windows-x86_64-skylake-gemini-3f-2023-sep-21.exe farm --reward-address stB7nBJUuFGwq3UX5bAJcEj4Awxt2qrTQNfrt2Q19ULSZWqFy path=G:\Sub,size=450G
  2. I received the reward normally with wallet address : 5FTzzUVDpmTo7QyLCKstYq4Wte88LW8ZhYLu9kzbo13fPTEQ

  3. Sep 18, 2023. I moved nvme to new PC, change path nvme from D > G, I run code node and farm, I dont get rewards anymore. I change address to st9fV4yCgXRv1s2wv4VXNm1YadFWbHCcpiopdSJxtavNmDdL9, I still dont get rewards. After this, I change address again to : st8wxZKHq6DuRT6HeLLhi6EGTKrUjr4wjGLCdWYNNWeCp827M. still no rewards.
    All step in log have many line: " …INFO single_disk_farm{disk_farm_index=0}: subspace_farmer::reward_signing: Successfully signed reward hash…"

  4. I formated NVME, created new polkadot wallet, conect with address: Polkadot/Substrate Portal" to get new sub adrress. Now I run code with wallet : stB7nBJUuFGwq3UX5bAJcEj4Awxt2qrTQNfrt2Q19ULSZWqFy. Now log :
    Sector plotted successfully (47.03%)…
    Successfully signed reward hash …
    But I dont get rewards.
    My friend add my address wallet to code farm of his. Wallet can get reward

Can anyone explain to me what happened?
And what should I do? Should I continue plotting or stop?

Thank for read.

1 Like

The new plot has been completed but I still haven’t received any rewards. So sad- Sub.

Both according to logs and explorer you are getting rewards. You have mentioned 3 wallet addresses, 2 of them have tSSC on them.

Make sre you’re checking rewards on Gemini 3f network and for wallet you specify in farmer CLI.

5FTzzUVDpmTo7QyLCKstYq4Wte88LW8ZhYLu9kzbo13fPTEQ : I received the reward before the 18th
stB7nBJUuFGwq3UX5bAJcEj4Awxt2qrTQNfrt2Q19ULSZWqFy : 0.1 tssc from farm of my friend. He help me test wallet.