Operators Guide Questions

I’m afraid neither (also --skylordafk parameters doesn’t exist, obviously). Both are partially correct (and /tmp doesn’t exist on Windows), official docs should have correct instructions though.

It is a bootstrap node, in this case for Nova domain because it is not stored anywhere else right now IIRC.

You can do it right now, it is just not possible to sync consensus chain first and enable operator later, you need to enable operator (do not have to stake though) from the beginning, we will fix it in the future.

If you have enough CPU feel free to do that.

No, the key can be generated any time, but you should only register after you are synced, see Stake Wars Rules of Engagement

Not sure, @ved?

Not sure, that would be interesting if someone increases tax after nominators have joined already, @ved should be able to clarify.

@Emilios @Jim-Subspace I think there is an opportunity to improve documentation based on these questions.

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