Failed to start Subspace Node

Issue Report

Hi, could you help me, please?!
What is the problem, and what should I do?


  • Operating System:
  • CPU Architecture:
  • RAM:
  • Storage:
  • Plot Size:
  • Subspace Deployment Method:


Steps to reproduce

Expected result

What happens instead

[Paste error here]
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Hey @Mera9 , Looks like this issue is related to specific CPU Support on your system. Which version did you download when you installed the cli? We have two different versions on our documentation. I would try the opposite version to which you downloaded and see if you can get past the illegal instruction screen.

If neither version get past this issue, the current workaround is to build from source on the machine you are trying to run from. (though we are working on improving this for the future.)

I’ve already tried both versions.
Could you please explain this sentence “If neither version get past this issue, the current workaround is to build from source on the machine you are trying to run from.”!
Or do you mean setting the node with the Advanced CLI guide?