The biggest trends for blockchain infrastructure in 2023?

Good Day Subspace Community!

Curious about you perspective on this. Where do you see the most impactful trends for blockchain infrastructure in 2023?

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In general, Proof of Space, the shift from HDD to SSD.

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Interesting! Thanks
On my end (in a probably biased fashion), I feel most excited about modular blockchains, its core functionalities (data, consensus, execution, interoperability, scalability), and the cost effective ways for blockchains to launch, operate and compose with each other :slight_smile:

Welcome @Fradique!

Proof of Space and Modular Blockchains are great answers, certainly they will have a big impact in the future :smiley:

I am most excited about zero knowledge rollups. With Layer 2 blockchains gaining popularity, and all of the developers and users in the Ethereum community, Iā€™m excited to see what new apps, specifically DeFi primitives, are possible with lower transaction costs, greater security, privacy, etc.

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I appreciate the warm welcome @skylordafk :slight_smile:

Spot on. Some rollups use the call data on Ethereum. Some store on centralized servers.

And some of them store on a decentralized networka: this is something Subspace can be used for :rocket:

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