RPC Service from Dwellir

Ben from Dwellir here (https://stats.dwellir.app/). We’re currently setting up an RPC node for your community and would like to be connected to the team so that we’re meeting all the needs of your roadmap from a DevOps perspective.

It would be great if someone could contact me at ben@dwellir.com

I am happy to answer questions directly here about our service and make referrals to our customers.



Glad you got your account all set! I think maybe @ImmaZoni may be able to help with something like this

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I have been bouncing around a few different places.

The best thing would be to get on a call with the technical folks to make sure it’s something you want and that we’re solving all the problems you need.

Hey Ben, I have sent you an email, I look forward to hearing back from you :smile: