Gemini Phase 1 Reward FAQ's

How do I verify on the explorer my tSSC balance at the last eligible block #392,626?

Below we will show a guided process for anyone to verify their farmed tSSC balance at block #392,626 on the explorer. Please be aware it does take quite a few steps, because we are not simply retrieving your current balance but at a specific point in the past.

  1. Head to the Gemini Phase 1 explorer, specifically section Chain State under the Developer tab. We link it here for convenience.

  2. In the highlighted fields #1 & #2, make sure to select system and account as pictured below

  3. For field #3, you should select the interested address. If there is no dropdown available, you need to add your address to the explorer address book first. You can do so by visiting Accounts → Address book linked here.

  4. For field #4, you can copy and paste the block hash below for block #392,626

  5. Once done, you can click on the + button on the top right corner

You should see the retrieved data below. The balance is represented by the field Please note the decimal point is 18 slots counting from the right. In this case, the account referenced farmed 1.5 tSSC in total by the end of Gemini Phase 1, at block #392,626

If you instead find zero value in the field using the block has referenced above, it means that specific account wasn’t able to participate in the network consensus in time to farm at least 0.1 tSCC credit to qualify for the incentive reward.

No worries, we have more phases coming soon :slight_smile: